Webinar 50
North Carolina State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)

September 13, 2023

Summary of the Federal Highway Administration’s Quarterly Webinar


The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) promotes geographic information systems (GIS) as a means to more effectively manage and improve transportation systems. One of the ways that FHWA does this is through its GIS in Transportation program1, which identifies timely and critical GIS issues and topics in transportation and connects transportation agencies with available resources and best practices. The webinar summarized here is part of a quarterly series organized through the GIS in Transportation program.

Austin Chamberlain (sachamberlain@ncdot.gov), Senior Program Engineer for the STIP Central Region, Division of Planning and Programming at the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT), presented on the history of NCDOT STIP mapping, NCDOT’s enterprise LRS, the Atlas Screening Tool, and STIP map use cases. Also discussed were the current NCDOT efforts in developing their new STIP data management. This platform will allow interactive and real time access to STIP project data and includes a spatial viewer.

A recording of the webinar is available here. Passcode: $3AUa^zP

Questions & Answers

When does a project’s LRS information get input into the system?
The STIP references to our LRS are currently maintained outside of our ESRI Roads and Highways environment, so we can determine when something will be re-referenced to the LRS, which is published on a quarterly basis.

Do changes in the LRS information trigger a STIP amendment?
The STIP manager has a kind of rules engine that helps to find uses and program logic to determine whether any project changes meet thresholds for amendments and if so, what kind. A lot of that is based on schedule and cost changes. If a project goes up past a certain threshold, then an amendment would be triggered.

Did you consider adding other dataset to the Atlas Screen Tool?
There are seven hundred and fifty-two layers currently that are procured and standardized in Atlas. This includes cultural resources, demographic data, and environmental data. Atlas also provides a data search ability, and you can clip and ship for the study area. You can define the datasets you are looking for and download the data for the selected area.

Is the Atlas Screening Tool just internal?
It is not just internal. It is made available for other partners who can receive access to it.

Did you go through a process to decide if you want to the STIP location layer to be made public or to share it out in different ways?
It was fairly easy to do. It went hand in had with our first prioritization effort. We wanted to be transparent and share with partners. The STIP is a public document and we wanted to get feedback on possible errors in the data.

1 See the FHWA GIS in Transportation website for details: https://gis.fhwa.dot.gov/.

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Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000